Australian small businesses create amazing products and services right here in Australia, and as an Aussie customer, you can help them thrive by supporting them when you can. Whether it’s through purchasing their goods or services or simply sharing their business with your network of family and friends, the following tips will guide you on how you can help Australian small businesses grow and prosper!
Let’s jump right in!
Support Australian small businesses by shopping locally
The #1, most easy thing to do is shop locally from small independent stores, either within your local area or online.
There’s an unfortunate myth out there that small businesses don’t create jobs, but in fact, small business employs over 4.7 million people and 41% of the business workforce, making it Australia’s biggest employer (2018 – 2019). When you spend money at a locally owned business, nearly all of that money gets re-spent within your community.
For a lot of people, supporting local businesses means shopping at farmer’s markets and co-ops. These types of businesses are a great choice as they get their produce fresh from nearby farms, some picked just a day prior to you purchasing them.
You can also support Australian small businesses when you buy online, so you don’t have to leave your house or drive anywhere. There are lots of great websites like Etsy where small business owners sell their handmade goods in both retail and wholesale sector. If you really want to go that extra mile to support Australian made and owned, you could visit sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo to get behind new innovations and ideas before they become available in stores.

You know where your product comes from when buying locally from Australian small businesses
When you buy locally, you know exactly where your product comes from and who produced it. It’s just as important to consider whether or not your purchase will boost small businesses at home as it is to evaluate other factors such as price and quality. Remember that just because a product is made in Australia doesn’t necessarily mean it’s made by an Australian company.
If you want to support local businesses, it can be difficult to tell whether or not a company is local just by looking at their products. But there are some steps you can take to better understand how your money impacts small business in Australia.
First, look for quality design and craftsmanship. If you’re shopping for clothes, consider where fabrics were sourced and who designed them; if you’re buying furniture, research how designs were influenced by international trends without losing sight of what makes our region unique.
If you’re still unsure, share photos with friends – they might recognise places that inspired particular items or help identify designers from regional areas. Once you know more about a business behind a product, consider asking them directly about where their goods come from – especially if they seem hesitant to say anything. Buying locally isn’t always as simple as choosing an Aussie product over one made overseas – but getting creative with your purchases will go far towards supporting those who create quality goods right here at home!
Visit Festivals & Markets to support local Australian small businesses
Supporting a local Australian small business doesn’t have to mean buying branded luxury goods with high ticket prices. There are many different ways to help Australian small businesses – from visiting local markets and festivals to checking out independent retailers and websites, Facebook pages and Instagram feeds. We love supporting Aussie small businesses because they help foster our communities and employ our friends, family and neighbours. It’s such an important part of what makes Australia such a unique place.

Reasons to buy from market stallholders
- Most of the time, the products are handmade.
- Your purchases help support families.
- You know where your money goes.
- You get to find unique one off pieces.
- In most cases, you get to meet the business owner so you can learn more about their business, products or service.
- You get to enjoy a family time in fresh air as most markets tend to be outdoors.
Are Australian handmade products less superior in quality?
Handmade products are becoming more popular as people start to realise that store-bought items can be quite inferior in quality. While there are many great reasons to buy handmade, one misconception is that these products aren’t as superior in quality as those purchased from big-name brands.
In reality, handmade goods are often of higher quality than their commercial counterparts, and they tend to be better on the hip pocket. A higher price tag does not automatically equate to a better product. Consumers should feel good about supporting businesses that produce high-quality items at affordable prices while getting to know small business owners who are doing amazing things every day.
Be proud to show off your purchases and spread the word about all of these talented folks! Even better, buy handmade gifts for everyone on your holiday shopping list. If you can’t find what you’re looking for locally, try your local weekend markets or community pages.

3 Benefits when you support Australian small businesses
- You’ll keep money in Australia – When you buy from a business with a physical storefront, their money stays here in Australia to pay for staff wages and create more jobs.
- You get better service – The owners of small businesses have higher accountability because they rely on repeat customers for their livelihoods. They generally try harder to provide good customer service, which is more than we can say about most big chains!
- It’s just cool – Supporting Australian small businesses means helping people live their Aussie dreams. That alone, just makes us all feel awesome. So next time you need something, think locally first!
Supporting local businesses is a crucial way to support our local economy. Supporting local businesses can really impact our community, so next time you need to buy something, think twice before hitting Amazon. Browse through your community’s small business directories and pick a company that makes something you actually want or need. You might just find that supporting Australian small businesses is more convenient than you think!